League & Memberships

Membership Information

The Helena Trap Club is a member and volunteer-operated shooting club based out of Helena, Montana.

The Club has nearly three hundred and ninety active members, with an annually-elected board of directors and officers. The board meets at 6 PM the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Club members are encouraged to attend, to bring questions or suggestions for consideration.

The Club also holds an annual membership meeting, which typically occurs in the early Spring.

Membership cost is $50 a year. This includes spouse and immediate family members under the age of 21. Shooting cards are available for $50 to members.

One round of shooting is 25 shells. A member will pay $5 a round and non-members will pay $8 a round.

Membership is required to participate in leagues.

League Information

Note that membership in the club is required to shoot league events


The Helena Trap club offers leagues in the Spring, Fall and Winter, in addition to Women’s and Five Stand leagues.

Singles leagues at the Helena Trap Club run eight weeks. Doubles and Continental run for 4 weeks.

Individual shooters do not need to have a squad to sign up for leagues, we can add you to a squad during signup.

Price is $50 for Singles, Doubles and Continental. Five Stand is $55, and includes 25 targets. Signups are done at the clubhouse during hours of operation.

League Scoring

League singles shooters receive a handicap based on their scores for the first two weeks. League scores that aren’t handicapped are called “scratch” scores and are scored separately. Trophies are given for both handicapped and scratch scores.

The highest score possible for 8 weeks of singles is 200 targets. The highest score possible for Doubles is 200 targets, and for Continental is 100 targets.


Spring Trap League

Starts - 04/03/2024

Continental Make-Up - 04/22/2024

Continental Ends - 04/24/2024

Doubles Start - 05/01/2024

League & Double Make-Up - 05/20/2024

Ends - 05/22/2024

Womens League
Starts - 06/05/2024

Ends - 07/23/2024


5 Stand League Shotgun Trap Shooting

Five Stand

In 2018 we began offering a new league, Five Stand. Five Stand is similar to sporting clays, trap and skeet. There are five stations, or stands and six to eighteen strategically placed traps. Shooters shoot in turn at various combinations of targets. Each station will have a menu card that lets the shooter know the sequence of targets he or she will be shooting at (i.e. which trap the target will come from).

The shooter is presented with 5 targets at each station, first a single bird followed by two pairs. Pairs can be either “report pairs,” in which the second bird will be launched after the shooter fires at the first; or “true pairs” when both birds launch at the same time.

After shooting at the 5 birds on the menu at that station, the shooter proceeds to the next stand, where they find a new menu of 5 targets. Typical five stand targets are a rabbit, chandelle, overhead, standard skeet high house and low house shots, teal (launched straight up into the air), trap (straight ahead from ground level), and an incoming bird.


Women's League

League starts in June and runs for 8 weeks. Price is $50. This is a great opportunity for our women shooters to spend time on warm summer evenings doing what they love – trap shooting!

For info about Women’s League contact Kashia Herring at (406) 370-0477.


Helena Trap Club Womens League

Annual Registered Shoots

Great Gun Giveaway

Lightbody - June 15th & 16th, 2024

MT State Shoot

July 10th - July 14th, 2024

Zip Eaton Shoot

August 31 - September 2nd, 2024

Youth Opportunities

Check Back Soon For Youth Opportunities!